Tuesday, 16 June 2009

My top movies’ soundtrack

Here I post my personal soundtrack list.

1. Murron’s Burial, BRAVEHEART 1995
2. Theme from Dying Young, DYING YOUNG, 1991
3. Hungry Eyes, DIRTY DANCING, 1987
4. Grease is the word, GREASE, 1978
5. Unchained Melody, GHOST 1990
6. Up where we belong, AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN 1982
7. Take my breath away, TOP GUN 1986
8. Bang bang (my baby shot me down), KILL BILL 2003
10. Love theme, THE GODFATHER 1972
11. The Black Pearl, PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN 2003
12. Theme from For a few dollars more, FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE 1965
13. The flying theme, ET 1982
14. Hungarian dance nÂș5, THE GREAT DICTATOR 1940
15. The Ride of the Valkyries, APOCALYSE NOW 1979
16. Titles, CHARIOTS OF FIRE 1981
17. Axel F, BEVERLY HILLS COP 1984
18. Main title (I had a farm in Africa), OUT OF AFRICA 1985
19. I can dream about you, STREETS OF FIRE 1984
20. Calling you, BAGDAD CAFE 1987

If you google you’ll find lots of lists, so it’s very probably you miss some themes, but I would like to know what exactly they are, because maybe I haven’t heard about them and it’ll be great to discover more.
One of my favourite soundtracks is Murron’s burial from Braveheart. The main theme of the film Dying young is really good too. Here, Kenny G plays sax like no other. Of course, Ennio Morricone couldn’t be out of my list. He’s a wonderful composer of soundtracks. For instance he made the soundtrack of The good, the ugly and the bad, For a few dollars more, and he collaborated with three songs in Kill Bill Vol. 2.
In order to make the list I had to choose one theme which represents the whole soundtrack of the film, it’s the case of Dirty dancing or Grease, but the point is I really like almost all the songs! About Grease, I specially enjoy listening Grease is the word, Those magic changes, Tears on my pillow, Summer nights... And my recommendations about Dirty dancing are Be my baby, She’s like the wind, Hungry eyes, Stay, Love is strange (I find it funny), Do you love me, and Will you still love me tomorrow. About Kill Bill soundtrack I'd like to mention Bang bang, Goodnight Moon, Lonely Shepherd and the famous Twisted Nerve song.