Monday, 13 October 2008

A brief description about me.

First of all, welcome to my blog! With it, I hope improve my English but if I have to tell the truth, I don’t know what I exactly will write on it yet. Maybe I will tell you my point of view about different topics, or just write about experiences that I want to share with somebody…
I’m in my twenties, but some people say I’m older than I look. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I liked that comment, but now I don’t.
I’m sensitive, and I usually cry when I see quite sad movies. Furthermore I make a mountain out of a molehill, because I worry so much about things, people, etc. Some people close to me tell me it’s better to get it off my chest and I know it, but sometimes it’s not easy. In addition, I’m a person who like being well-informed of what’s happening in the world, so I like Politics, but not politicians, and Economy.

I like English, that’s one reason because I’m studying this language, and the others they were explained a few times at class, so I don’t want to be a dull. I enjoy a lot singing English music. I don’t sing well at all, but I love this kind of music, I mean, I like music where letter is in English. Other hobbies are, of course, cinema. I especially like films that have some sense, movies that explain something interesting, and classical films from the Golden Age of Hollywood. I’ve seen, Virginia, that V for Vendetta is a film that you like it, so do I. It’s curious how the person who seems to be bad, at the beginning, he become a hero, and how manipulated we can be. If someone didn’t see that film, I recommend it.

Well, with this little description I tell you see you soon!!