War made them orphans, love made them legend
This quote belongs to the film The children of Huang Shi. This film, based in real events, explains the story of a young English journalist called George Hogg, during Japanese’s occupation and invasion in China. He became famous for saving sixtyish Chinese schoolboy war orphans, with the help of American nurse and one leader of the Chinese resistance. 
George Hogg went to China as a journalist to cover the war, but a series of events take him to Huang Shi. There, he met the schoolboys, which they made the things difficult to him. At the beginning he didn’t stay, he wanted to make photographs and report to the world about what was happening, but finally in spite of adversity, he found a way to make the children’s live a little easier and happier. Unfortunately the war was arriving to Huang Shi, so they had to leave that place. The road chosen was the silk one. This journey will be really hard for children, because they would have to walk thousands and thousands of miles and of course dangerous. So hard that some people considered it impossible, but it was the one way to escape from hell.
In the orphanage, but especially during the journey, George started a close relationship with the nurse and the Chinese leader. Well, maybe it’s more suitable say love triangle, even though I can’t forget another lady, a Chinese aristocrat, who did business with George. Although this kind of relationships are showed between the lines, because, in my opinion, the most important thing in the film is save these innocent and defenseless children. In this context the main charact
ers will learn the true meaning of love, responsibility and survival.
I think the film is good. But when I came out from the cinema I feel sad, because these events really happened. I know the industry of seventh art tends to change some things, but even so it’s rather sad, like all wars. However in some way, this film makes me remember other, The painted veil. This one it’s better, for my taste. I suppose because I’m a romantic person and this film gives more prominence to love’s story. So when I watched The children of Huang Shi I felt like if I had already seen. I don’t know to tell why, maybe because both films set on a China quite similar, but they have different argument! Anyway I liked The Children of Huang Shi, but I prefer The painted veil.

George Hogg went to China as a journalist to cover the war, but a series of events take him to Huang Shi. There, he met the schoolboys, which they made the things difficult to him. At the beginning he didn’t stay, he wanted to make photographs and report to the world about what was happening, but finally in spite of adversity, he found a way to make the children’s live a little easier and happier. Unfortunately the war was arriving to Huang Shi, so they had to leave that place. The road chosen was the silk one. This journey will be really hard for children, because they would have to walk thousands and thousands of miles and of course dangerous. So hard that some people considered it impossible, but it was the one way to escape from hell.

In the orphanage, but especially during the journey, George started a close relationship with the nurse and the Chinese leader. Well, maybe it’s more suitable say love triangle, even though I can’t forget another lady, a Chinese aristocrat, who did business with George. Although this kind of relationships are showed between the lines, because, in my opinion, the most important thing in the film is save these innocent and defenseless children. In this context the main charact

I think the film is good. But when I came out from the cinema I feel sad, because these events really happened. I know the industry of seventh art tends to change some things, but even so it’s rather sad, like all wars. However in some way, this film makes me remember other, The painted veil. This one it’s better, for my taste. I suppose because I’m a romantic person and this film gives more prominence to love’s story. So when I watched The children of Huang Shi I felt like if I had already seen. I don’t know to tell why, maybe because both films set on a China quite similar, but they have different argument! Anyway I liked The Children of Huang Shi, but I prefer The painted veil.
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