Sandro Botticelli, a painter of Quattrocento
Sandro Botticelli was his stage name, but his real one was Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi. At the beginning, the name of Botticelli was his older brother’s nickname, called Giovanni and it means little barrel; in spite of that, the nickname was extended to the rest of his family. Sandro was born into a humble family towards 1444-1445 in Florence, and passed away in the same city May 17th, 1510. He started to work as goldsmith, but fortunately at the age of seventeen he changed his mind and he got into Fra Filippo Lippi Art Studio. Sandro stayed there for five years and it was there where he acquired teachings of Quattrocento school, what it belongs to the Italian Renaissance.
I really love the work of Sandro Botticelli. For me he is a wonderful painter, however I must confess I don’t know much about art. In particular I like these paintings which are very famous and they represent mythological scenes. As you may know, the first picture is SPRING and the second one is THE BIRTH OF VENUS.
In Spring painting we can watch Flora goddess, who is spring herald and the picture is named for her. As well on the picture appear Mercury, in the left side, The three Graces, Cupid on the top, Venus, in the middle, and lastly Céfiro, wind’s god, and Chloris nymph. This painting was an order by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco di Medici, one member of prestigious Medici family.
I really love the work of Sandro Botticelli. For me he is a wonderful painter, however I must confess I don’t know much about art. In particular I like these paintings which are very famous and they represent mythological scenes. As you may know, the first picture is SPRING and the second one is THE BIRTH OF VENUS.
In Spring painting we can watch Flora goddess, who is spring herald and the picture is named for her. As well on the picture appear Mercury, in the left side, The three Graces, Cupid on the top, Venus, in the middle, and lastly Céfiro, wind’s god, and Chloris nymph. This painting was an order by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco di Medici, one member of prestigious Medici family.

It is said that The Birth of Venus painting was an order of one member of Medici family too. This picture represents Venus’ arrival to the Citera Island. She is being pushed by Céfiro and Aurea, goddess of breeze, and both characters are linked by an embrace. In the earthly side, on the right, we find spring goddess, and we know that because she is wearing a cloak decorated with flower motifs. Spring goddess is waiting for Venus goddess to wrap her up warm.
In addition to aesthetics, what I’m into is what these two paintings say according to experts on Art, because each character has their own interpretation both whole painting and individually. Maybe you much prefer other paintings or other painters but after all there is no accounting for taste.
Oh, interesting information. I think we all have been inspired by talking in class about art, don't we? Well, I have to recognise Botticelli is not one of my favourite painters but I've always thought "The Birth of Venus" has something which is special, I don't know. Perhaps you would like to give your opinion about what is art for you in my blog, it could be really interesting!
See you!
I agree with "somesketch"...everybody talks about art!
About Botticelli, I love him! It's amazing! However, my Renaissance's teacher doesn't think the same. She says is a really bad drawer, he invents, he doesnt' copy the reality. Although I agree with her with one thing: the Venus isn't as perfect as people say. She appears everywhere (in Corporacion Dermoestetica's publicity!), she represents the beauty but...she isn't proportionate. Look at her neck! It's so long! And her shoulders?She is round-shouldered!
Oh! How can you say you don't know much about art? I'm glad with this blog you're running! Nice!
How nice! I love reading you without, now, caring about the few mistakes!
Did I tell you that to get inspired when I was pregnant of my little girl I got up every morning looking at a "copy" of Sandro Botticelli's "Spring"?
An she is really beautiful indeed!! Any lesson?
Thanks for sharing such beautiful info.!
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